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Everything You Need to Know About TCOs (State of Colorado)

Tyler Lilja

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

After your annual conveyance inspections are complete and the State of Colorado has received the inspection reports, you might receive a notice from the State of Colorado with a TCO in place of a standard Certificate of Operation. A TCO, also known as a Temporary Certificate of Operation, is only valid for sixty (60) days instead of a full year. TCOs are issued by the State of Colorado when your third-party inspector finds a significant violation that your maintenance company must correct.

Significant violations that warrant the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Operation*:

  • Emergency phone in the elevator does not work.

  • Fire service operation does not work.

  • Door restrictor does not work or is missing.

  • Failure to submit an acceptance inspection following an alteration.

  • Repeat Violations; these are violations identified during the previous year's inspection that still haven't been corrected.

  • Safety Test that was not performed within 60 days of your expiration month.

*This is only a few of the violations that can result in a TCO, for a full list visit our violations blog post!

Your maintenance company must correct any deficiencies listed on the TCO within 60 days to avoid additional fines or penalties. Once fixed, the State of Colorado's affidavit must be filled out, signed and dated, and emailed to We highly recommend you have your maintenance company do this. While the owner/owner's agent can sign the affidavit, we suggest that your elevator maintenance contractor or mechanic sign because they are responsible for the corrections. Re-inspections are not required; however, if you would like one, you can request one from your third-party inspection company.

Note: Maintaining the monthly fire service testing log is the responsibility of the building owner/owner's agent and not the maintenance company.

At Professional Elevator Inspections, we know elevators can be confusing, so we are here to help! Our team is here to assist you whenever you need it, and we have services dedicated to solving your problems, such as TCOs.

Please note: The TCO requirements listed above are only for elevators under the Jurisdiction of the State of Colorado. For other states or jurisdictions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Author Contact Information:

Tyler Lilja

Operations, PEI Colorado

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